Co-create healthy relationships that celebrate:
Self-aware individuals committed to the courageous journey of healing.
Thriving, self-empowered communities.
Efficient, inclusive models of governance.
Join forces with champions that:
- Facilitate 'walking together' across sectors by integrating the Letsema Process into all engagements.
- Translate our nation's aspirational policies into tangible, community-driven solutions.
- Shift institutional culture, integrating indigenous and contemporary approaches to nation-building.
- Amplify formulas and success stories to place momentum behind what works.


Register as NPO, kick off our journey to convene engagements between active citizens in government, business and community using the Letsema Process..
What we did
Host a series of Ubuntu Workshops with experts in various fields attending Henley Business School.
What was learned
As part of the programme, students worked with community-based organisations but after their tenure there was no follow-through.
Civic awareness is not something that can be taught academically. Engagements that underpin commitment are more likely to build trust and have meaningful outcomes.

What we did
Facilitate the Club of Rome Youth Conference in Cape Town.
What was learned
Young people are eager to mobilise around solutions, not crises. They are concerned about powerful institutions who are all talk and no action.
Today the Club of Rome organisation places strong emphasis on African youth liberating their own future. The organisation is actively pursuing agendas that stand to impact the way systems interact through Ubuntu, inclusivity and emergence.

What we did
Convene a series dialogues with activists professionals, academics and public officials to working toward Accelerating Social Housing in South Africa for Absa.
What was learned
Communities have innovative ways of solving their own problems, dialogue can enable connecting their knowledge with the those who help can deliver their vision.
Dialogues were discontinued with COVID interrupting our ability to follow through on findings .
2021 - 2022
What we did
Mining house Sibanye-Stillwater asked us to support with engagement of impacted stakeholders for their Renewal Programme. We convened the first in a series of Pitso’s (‘traditional assemblies’ ) in 2022 to honour those directly affected by the 2012 Marikana Massacre.
What was learned
In the months leading up to the Pitso we met regularly with community representatives, government, religious and tribal leaders. Relationship and trust building is key to open and constructive engagements.
The series of engagements continues to support willing family members to work toward closure and reclaiming their agency..


What we did
Convene the second annual Pitso by hosting coalition of willing stakeholders from across sectors in the mining community to share solutions toward socio-economic development.
What was learned
Piloting a reimagined SA where we 'walk together', one community at a time means systematically leaving no-one behind. Most Renewal Programme conversations are only at the first step of the Letsema Process: Co-discover.
The Renewal Programme is a work-in-progress conversation. Going forward, these platforms will continue to offer opportunities and learnings for our nation's champions to put their commitment to action with the guidance of the Letsema Process.
What we did
Convene a series of engagements with community-based NGO's in the Marikana region.
What was learned
Community-based leaders are eager to create ecosystems to drive collaborative best practice.
Allow time for community organisations that expressed the desire to self-organise outside of the dialogues to do so before regrouping on the next step of the Letsema Process together.

What we did
Convene engagements with the Religious Leaders and Pastor's Forum in Rustenburg.
What was learned
The leaders embrace the Letsema Process, which was deeply ingrained in their culture. They feel it embodies the essence of Ubuntu and collaboration, fostering a strong sense of communal support and togetherness.
The quality of discussions proved to be highly thought-provoking and made a significant impression, prompting the pastors to extend the invitation to a broader audience by inviting parishioners from each of their churches to ReimagineSA's next engagement with them.